There’s a lot you don’t know about peptides.
There’s been a lot of buzz about peptides. You’ve seen them advertised for building muscle, controlling wrinkles, enhancing performance, reducing inflammation and reversing aging. But they do so much more. Like protecting from disease. Sure, you can ingest them while enjoying foods high in protein, but there are better ways to manifest fast-acting results. Before we get into that, let’s get into some basics:
Peptides are like the little siblings of proteins. Both are made up of amino acids, with peptides containing chains fewer than 50. Peptides can be found in all living organisms. Formed from a pool of 20 amino acids, they are naturally occurring molecules that are key to biological activity.
The function of a specific peptide depends on the amino acids in its sequence. Some, for example, act as hormones carrying information from one tissue through the blood to another. Insulin is a peptide hormone, for example. It urges the pancreas to regulate blood sugar. Diabetics require an external source of insulin so that the pancreas can do its job. Other peptide hormones include glucagon, leptin, ADH and oxytocin. (Steroid hormones are a whole different animal and include estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. We’ll cover those in our Hormone Replacement Therapy section.)
Research indicates that bioactive peptides may assist in other key functions including:
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If you’re generally healthy, peptide supplements are highly unlikely to cause serious side effects, if any at all. That’s because peptides are naturally occurring in the healthy foods we enjoy every day.
If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on medications, or dealing with a chronic medical condition, be sure to tell our providers or chat with yours.
Whether the peptides you purchase are from our inventory or we have them sent to you directly from the pharmacy, rest assured that timing, dosing and administering directions will be crystal clear. If not, just give us a call and we will walk you through the process.
Just be sure to follow the package instructions and never exceed the recommended dosage.
We scoured the sources and offer only those that are from the best, most reputable compounding pharmacies.
In some cases (discussed during our consultations with our providers), intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (think insulin needle) injections are more effective since oral supplements may be broken down in the digestive tract. The oral peptides that we offer are only those that are hearty enough to make their way to the intended destination.
The health information contained herein is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. All decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.
Revive Colorado does not offer any products or services as a cure for any condition, disease or injury. No statements or implied treatments offered have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Our website and all marketing materials contain no medical advice. All statements and opinions provided on our website and marketing materials are provided for educational and informational purposes only. Revive Colorado does not claim that any products or services we offer work for any listed or unlisted condition, intended or implied. It is important for potential patients to do their own research based on the options we present, so that one can make an informed decision. If you have any concern with any of our services, methods, or technique and think we may be violating any US Law, please contact us so that we can investigate the matter or concern immediately.